No More Questions

John 16:23

Just a number or the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?

Photo by Mark König / Unsplash

“And on that day you will not question Me about anything. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you.”

John 16:23, LSB

There will be a time when everything will be revealed to us. Once we are fully embraced by our Lord and in the fullness of His glory we will not need to ask any questions. It will all be clear and our faith will be confirmed. We all await this time, but now we are to know all that He reveals to us in His Word. God has given us His Word to help us and guide us through the various troubles we will indeed face in life and will help us to carry on through all circumstances. We are to trust in His Word and in His promises. In this time, we can ask anything as followers of Christ in His name and we are promised that the Father will give it. Does this mean riches and health? Sure, but be mindful that our Lord does not say when. We all receive full healing in our Lord, we will all be surrounded in abundant riches, and we will know the greatest joy when we are in the Father’s glory. We are reminded to seek and knock and we will find. In our full commitment to God, we find His providence and His peace. We must never fear for we know our Lord is always near. May He give you peace.

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